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Circles of Support Catalina Expedition, September 2018

by William Pinney

It was more than an outing or a tour: it was a true expedition. Three years of planning, weeks of organization, and a relationship of two generations culminated in a group of truly fortunate Jonathan Art Foundation Circles members boarding the Catalina Express on a Saturday morning, bound for Avalon. Most Los Angeles-area residents have been to Avalon at least once, but only members of this Circles expedition have had the privilege of viewing an exceptionally impressive collection of paintings by Guy Rose (1867-1925). This collection is in the home of Roy Rose, grand-nephew of Guy, who must have the best view of the Avalon Harbor short of the Wrigley Mansion. These paintings were made in France and California between 1895 and 1925 and depicted many subjects including landscapes, portraits, indoor, maritime and beach scenes. Works by other artists were on display, but in comparison, Rose’s paintings show why he is seen as one of the greats in the oeuvre of California (if not French) Impressionism. The house itself has been lovingly decorated over several decades, which was an added bonus to the art. Those lucky enough to be there are deeply indebted to JAF Board member Grafton Tanquary for making all this possible.

If this was not enough, the expedition commenced with an amazing visit (and lunch) at the recently built Catalina Island Museum (, which has been open since 2016. Led by Executive Director Julie Perlin Lee, this substantial structure on Metropole Street was built entirely with private funding. Not only does it house the surprisingly interesting historical archive for Catalina, but it provides a significant space for art and craft exhibits, and a meeting space for social and entertainment events. The museum’s next exhibition, When Sugar Loaf Stood: Early Catalina Paintings, will be an assemblage of California works of art made between the 1880’s and 1921. Opening October 7th, the show will run through January 2019.

Becoming a Circles of Support member will give you the opportunity to enjoy curated events such as this in the future. We plan to include looks at more contemporary art that exists in the flourishing Los Angeles art scene. You can join us by clicking here.

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